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Step One

Book a Free Consultation
The first step in our Credit Restoration process is to schedule a free consultation with one of our expert Credit Specialists. During this call, a plan of action will be discussed along with specific credit goals you may have.

Step Four

Dispute Process
Once onboarding is completed and you have advised us of what items you would like disputed, we will begin the disputing process. Our clients typically see results within 30-60 days from the date we send out the first round of disputes. However, as with any Credit Repair Organization, we are unable to make any guarantees or promises.

Step Two

Free 15- Minute Consultation

 We ask you to be prepared to discuss your credit goals and to have a general knowledge of your credit scores are and the derogatory items reporting on your credit.
The more information you provide, the more in-depth the consultation will be. Upon completion of your consultation, you will be provided with the next step.

Step Five

24/7 Portal Access
During your tenure in our program, you will have access to a secure portal where you can check for updates, communicate with our staff and track disputes that have been sent to furnishers and the Credit Reporting Agencies. When sending emails or communicating via the secure portal, our staff will do their best to respond within 24-48 hours.

Step Three

Detailed Analysis
Before we begin disputing on your behalf, our team will provide a detailed credit report analysis that details the derogatory items on your credit report. At that time, you may advise our Credit Specialist of items you want to be disputed. Upon receipt of your feedback, we will prepare for the dispute process.

Step Six

Patience is Key
While we understand that you are excited to begin the process and start seeing results, your patience is greatly appreciated. You should expect to spend at least 6-8 months in the program, however, sometimes it can be longer depending on what your credit scores are when you start with our company. However, we are here to serve you and will strive to produce the greatest results!

I am ready to sign up!

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